Friday, August 11, 2006

Indian National Biofuel Policy?

posted at 6:00 AM
Indian National Biofuel Policy?

There is no National Biofuels policy to address the following issues :

1. Resolving ownership issues of 40 million hectares of wasteland to bring it under jatropha cultivation.

2. Setting up quality standards for biofuels, incentives and rationalisation of duty structures.

3. Setting up production targets of a minimum of 2.3 million hectares under cultivation.

4. Putting up a legal framework to promote and sustain biofuels production and usage.


Indian Biodiesel Projects

posted at 5:21 AM
1. Shirke Biohealthcare (Pune) has invested six crores so farin biodisel. 10 Tonnes of Biodisel are made daily and supplied to Pune Municipa Transport. The refinery has a capacity of 5000 litres daily. They are also setting up a 60000 hectare plantation in Papua New Guinea and a 300000 hectare project in Indonesia.

2. Jain Irrigation (Jalgaon) has 105 acres under jatropha and is planning a 150,000tonnes per day plant in Chattisgarh with one million hectares to be brought under jatropha.

3. Nova Bio Fuels (Panipat) is planning a 30 tonnes per day plant.

4. Natural Bioenergy (Kakinada) has a 300 tonne facility.

5. Reliance Energy has a pilot project of200 acres in Jamnagar.

6. BP has invested $9.4 million in Andhra Pradesh.

7. D1 Oils UK has invested 6 crores in Tamil Nadu.